Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Safari Adventure

Even in Africa I can only take so much of the city life before I need a break from the hustle and bustle and wish myself away to a quiet place where plants and animals abound. I thank my country upbringing for this need for nature.  For the first time in my life I was able to successfully wish myself into a place of absolute wilderness when our group stole away to Tarangire National Park.  Words nor pictures can do justice to the beauty of the Earth that I was treated to.  Herds of zebras, caribou, and elephants, packs of wildabeasts and wild boars, lizards, birds, small Timone-like critters, and a lone giraffe all gifted us with their presence in this park.  Land undisturbed by humans stretched for miles all around us with only the small path ahead reminding me that many have traveled here before.  The hot sun shone all day and I simply leaned back as the jeep bounced over rocks and rots, stopping to let the occasional herd of zebras or boars pass.  Of all the animals in the park the majestic elephants came closest to the jeep, and give us a menacing glare as warning to take care not to pass too close to their young, supporting the threat with their massive trunks swinging to and fro.  Between the talking, laughing and smiling, I added about a pound of dust to the white bread and rice that seems to always sit in my stomach here, and my Sunday shampoo the next morning was a bit too harsh for my tender scalp burned from the day's direct exposure.  I returned to the city exhausted, but successfully centered and ready to begin another week.

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